Clash of the Titans Wiki
The Kraken
Petrified Kraken
"The Kraken is the end of us. A colossal, elemental beast. Even the gods fear it."






(1981) Clash of the Titans
(2010) Clash of the Titans
(2010) Clash of the Titans: The Videogame
(2010) Clash of the Titans: Prequel Comic
(2012) Wrath of the Titans

The Kraken, in Greek Mythology, is a sea monster of tremendous size and strength. It was born from the titans Oceanus and Ceto, both entities of the sea. Its tentacles are large enough to be able to pull entire ships under the water and destroy cities with relative ease. The creature possessed endurance to match its strength. In addition to tentacles it was armed with a gaping maw full of many sharp teeth. The creature's many tentacles afforded it great speed in swimming.


Clash of the Titans (1981)[]

Compared to mythology, the Kraken plays a much more major role in the 1981 film. In this movie, it is the pet of Poseidon, and Zeus orders it to destroy Argos to punish Acrisius, the king of Argos, for casting his wife and Perseus into the sea. The goddess of the sea, Thetis, then unleashes it on the city of Joppa as an excuse to punish Perseus. Andromeda was offered to be sacrificed on Thetis' decree as Poseidon releases the Kraken. Perseus uses Medusa's Head turns the Kraken to stone.

Clash of the Titans (2010)[]

The Kraken appears in the 2010 remake as an adversary of Perseus. The Kraken is seen in the beginning, when the narrator explains Hades created it to slay the Titans. He was then tricked into ruling the Underworld. It is assumed that Zeus forced Hades to lock up the Kraken so he wouldn't harm anyone. The Kraken was released onto Argos to destroy it, but Perseus slayed it with Medusa's head, which turned it to stone.

Wrath of the Titans[]

The Kraken is briefly mentioned by Hephaestus, when asking to Perseus if he is the one related to the great Perseus who slayed the Kraken.


To be added...

Other appearances[]

Comic books[]

Clash of the Titans: Prequel Comic[]

Video games[]

Clash of the Titans: The Videogame[]

The Kraken appears as one of the bosses on Clash of the Titans: The Videogame, however his physical appearance in the game is completely different than that of the film. On the video game, the Kraken looks more like a humanoid sea dragon, than the giant turtle-like appearance on the 2010 film.


  • The Kraken is referred to as a Titan by the Stygian Witches.
  • Despite the movie the Kraken is of Nordic mythology.
  • The sea monster in the original Greek mythology, that Clash of the Titans is based on, is called a ketos (or cetus).

