Clash of the Titans Wiki






Perseus' team


Skilled in hand-to-hand combat



Perseus falls in love with Io, a demi-goddess, played by Gemma Arterton in the 2010 film Clash of the Titans. The character is a new addition to the story, and did not appear in the original Greek myth or the original 1981 film. In Greek mythology, she was[1] a nymph who was seduced by Zeus, who changed her into a heifer to escape detection by his jealous wife Hera, queen of the gods.

2010 movie

Io is an immortal demi-goddess who has watched over Perseus since he was a boy after being sent away by his mother's evil husband. She later joins Perseus and a group of other warriors in the battle aganist Hades and the Kraken. They travel to defeat Medusa and retrieve her head in order to defeat the beast. During the journey,on board the boat of Charon, Io battles Perseus in hand-to-hand combat. She intially gains the upper hand. During the battle, Persus thinks Io enjoys defeating Persus, but Io insists that she is only trying to help him stay alive. Io continues to defeat Perseus until Perseus finds an opening in Io's defenses and defeats her. After the battle, he falls in love with her. After Perseus destroys Medusa, Io is killed by Calibos. After Perseus kills the Kraken, Zeus revives her so Perseus can have a good life on Earth when refusing to become a God.
